Behold the Man
After the long cold days of winter, we look forward with joy to the coming of spring. We see springtime as a time of renewal and new life–and so it is.
We also come in these days to the time of Lent and Easter. This, even more than springtime is a time of renewal. It is a time to remember and to rejoice in the love of God for the whole world, as He gives His Son to save us from the sin and death of this world.
We are glad you have stopped on this site. We hope that it will help you see what we are all about, and the hope and joy that fills us in Christ. We invite you to join us in worship, and especially to come and see what your Saviour has done for you.
“Behold the man!” proclaimed Pontius Pilate in one of the shortest yet most profound sermons ever recorded. This will be our endeavour this Lententide and Easter Sunday. Behold the man, God in human flesh, Jesus. His incarnation will provide the basis for our meditation and proclamation on His Passion. And His real bodily suffering and death will provide the basis for our full-throated proclamation on Easter morning of a bodily resurrection, not just of Jesus but also for His saints.
We will fix our eyes and our preaching on the man Jesus, contemplating the inescapable fact—indeed the most important fact in the course of human history—that God became man. The Second Person of the eternal triune God, whom we confess in the Nicene Creed as “God of God, Light of light, very God of very God…of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made,” became a living, breathing, flesh-and-blood human being, a man.
You can learn more about what we believe, teach and confess. Please read it here
WELCOME to our church!
To join us online on Sunday morning at 10:15 am, please go to:
VBS 2025 – God’s Promises for Me
Free one-week Bible Camp for Children ages 4-11
at Foothills Lutheran Church (3104 – 34 Avenue NW Calgary)
July 21-25
8:50 am – 12:00 pm
All children aged 4 (by July 21) to 11 (leaving grade 5) are invited to join us this summer to learn how all of God’s promises are kept in Jesus.
Each day children will gather to learn a promise that God has made to them, and to see how He has kept that promise through His Son, Jesus. They will learn from the Bible, sing, make crafts, and play games together. Please send a nutritious snack for your child to enjoy at our daily snack times. (NO PEANUTS/NUTS PLEASE!)
Youth grade 6 and up are invited to join us as volunteer games, crafts, or classroom helpers. New youth volunteers will participate in a special training program. Please mark VIT on the registration form after your child’s name for this program.
Click here to register, and please remember that you must download the waiver form, complete it, and send it to us in order for the registration to be complete.
For information
Contact us by phone – 403.284.1342
Or email