July 24, 2022 – Pastor Eric
Posted: June 7, 2023
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 12)
3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB (403) 284-1342
Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 12)
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 11) – Genesis 18:1-14 We live in a world of fake news and scams. Thankfully, we can trust God to be as good as His Word and to tell the truth to us…
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 10) – Leviticus 18:1-5; 19:9-18 We, as God’s people are different from the world. That is not a reason for boasting, but a reason to thank God for His grace. It is in…
Third Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 8) – Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Freedom is such an important concept in our world. Yet what many people think of as freedom is often another form of slavery. In the face of that,…