Posted: March 27, 2021
Fourth Sunday in Lent – John 3:16-17 Sometimes the simplest words bring the greatest news to our hearts. That is definitely true when we look to God’s promises of love and grace in the beloved words of our text today…
Posted: March 13, 2021
Third Sunday in Lent (Series B) – John 2:13-17 Jesus shows a zeal for the temple as He casts out the moneychangers. We can learn a great zeal for God’s house – but we have a zeal for God’s Word…
Posted: March 3, 2021
Second Sunday in Lent – Romans 5:1-3
Posted: February 21, 2021
First Sunday in Lent – Genesis 22:13-14 In one of the key events in biblical history, Abraham learns that the Lord will provide. As we look at the trials and tests of our lives, we find that same comfort and…
Posted: February 18, 2021
Ash Wednesday – Joel 2:12-19 During Lent we will be focussing on the theme, “Return to the Lord”. Joel urges us to return today!