Posted: December 14, 2020
Third Sunday in Advent (Series B) – Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 Our world can seem rather joyless at times. Yet God brings us joy, as He changes things for us through Jesus Christ. Rejoice in Him! Printed Sermon:
Posted: December 6, 2020
In this world we may feel captive to the cares and worries of our lives. We are captive to sin, but God speaks a wonderful word of comfort to us–the comfort that comes through His gift of forgiveness and life…
Posted: November 29, 2020
First Sunday in Advent (Series B) – Isaiah 64:1-9 In the midst of the struggles of his day, Isaiah prays that the Lord would rend the heavens to come down and deliver His people. The Advent hope we have is…
Posted: November 22, 2020
Last Sunday of the Church Year (Series A) – Ezekiel 34:11–16 This last Sunday of the church year reminds us that the Lord is coming soon. As we struggle in this world, facing the consequences of our sinfulness, we look…
Posted: November 22, 2020
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 28) Matthew 25:14–30 Trusted by God with the gifts He gives, we are to use them, not bury them. God enable us to do this!