Posted: November 13, 2020
All people attending in-person worship services must register. The link below will open the registration information. Before registering, please review the following: Please make sure you are registering for the correct service or event. In the “first name” field, include…
Posted: November 8, 2020
23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 27) – 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 These last days of the Church Year remind us of a glorious promise: the Lord is coming soon. Many continue to wonder about this day and fear that…
Posted: November 4, 2020
All Saints’ Day – 1 John 3:1-3 We are God’s children! What a blessed promise that is. As His children, we share the same hope, joy and life that the saints in heaven already have in their fulness. We await…
Posted: November 4, 2020
Reformation Sunday – Psalm 46 In the midst of all life’s challenges, we have the assurance of God’s presence, help and strength for our lives.
Posted: October 18, 2020
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 24) – Isaiah 45:1-7 There are times when it seems that evil has the upper hand in our world. Yet all things happen in accord with God’s plans and purpose. He works all…