Posted: March 8, 2020
Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Series A) – 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 God calls us together in the Church to work together for the sake of one another, and for the sake of the good news we bring to the world.
Posted: March 8, 2020
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Posted: March 8, 2020
The Baptism of Our Lord (Series A) – Matthew 3:16-17 The Father speaks from heaven and affirms His pleasure in His Son. Baptized into Christ, we have that same loving assurance from our God. Printed Sermon:
Posted: March 8, 2020
Second Sunday after Christmas – Ephesians 1:3-14 Today many struggle with the question of “who am I?”. God is all to happy to remind us over and over that through Christ and His work we are: blessed, chosen, adopted, and…
Posted: March 8, 2020
First Sunday after Christmas (Series A) – Isaiah 63:7–14 We rejoice in the Good News of the Saviour’s birth. In Christ, we have been given the One who saves us from sin and gives us life. This wonderful news is…