Maundy Thursday Worship: A Time for Renewal of Christian Unity
Posted: May 5, 2022
3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB (403) 284-1342
Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm
Palm Sunday (Series C): John 12:12–19 The crowds who shouted their hosannas to Jesus on Palm Sunday hailed Him as the Messiah, yet for most people that messianic hope was for an earthly king who would restore the glory days…
Fifth Sunday in Lent (series C) – Isaiah 43:16–21 We know that God has done great and glorious things in the past. Yet in the troubles of life, we may forget that, even now God is at work for our…
Third Sunday in Lent (Series C) – Luke 13:1-9 People often try to make a direct tie between the sins of people and the suffering they experience in life. Jesus reminds us that we all have sinned and all need…