3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB     (403) 284-1342

Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm

Worship Times

October 4, 2020 – Harvest Ready?
Posted: October 6, 2020

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 22) – Matthew 21:33-43 In the parable of the tenants, the Lord reminds us that He, who provides so richly for His people, will be looking for the fruit that should come from…


September 27, 2020 – The Buck Stops Here!
Posted: September 29, 2020

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 21) – Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32 It is easy to “pass the buck”, and try to excuse our sinful actions. But, as God says: “the soul who sins shall die.” Thankfully, God has passed…


September 20, 2020 – Matthew 20:1–16
Posted: September 20, 2020

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 20)


September 13, 2020 – Pass It On!
Posted: September 20, 2020

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A, Proper 19) Rally Day – Psalm 78:1-7 This Christian Education Sunday reminds us of the importance of God’s Word, but also the importance of sharing that Word, especially with our children. Yes, Pass it…


September 6, 2020
Posted: September 7, 2020

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series A) – Matthew 18:1–20