Posted: February 25, 2019
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany (Series C) – Genesis 45:3-15 Joseph had good reason to be angry and unforgiving towards his brothers. Yet through his experiences of adversity and success, God was preparing him, both to be forgiving towards his brothers,…
Posted: February 11, 2019
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Series C) – Luke 5:1-11 As Jesus called the first disciples – Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John — to be fishers of men, so He still calls us to reach out with the good news…
Posted: February 5, 2019
Third Sunday after the Epiphany (Series C) – Luke 4:16-30 We are blessed to be able to come into the house of the Lord, and to be with Jesus. That is what worship truly is – that we, with our…
Posted: January 20, 2019
Second Sunday after Epiphany (Series C) – 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 The Holy Spirit has equipped His church for great things, providing His gifts as He wills for the common good. How many great and wonderful things are done, as God’s…
Posted: January 13, 2019
The Baptism of Our Lord (Series C)