3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB     (403) 284-1342

Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm

Worship Times

June 17, 2018 – God Gives the Growth
Posted: June 20, 2018

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Series B, Proper 6) – Ezekiel 17:22-24 There are times of struggle, but there is always hope, for even when it seems all is falling apart, God can, and does cause growth–the growth of grace; the…


June 10, 2018 – Passing the Buck
Posted: June 17, 2018

Third Sunday after Pentecost (Series B, Proper 5) – Genesis 3:8-15 pen3-18 Proper 5 While we often try to “pass the buck” and avoid the responsibility of our sin, when we confess our sins, God does pass the buck, as…


June 3, 2018 – God’s Gift of the Sabbath
Posted: June 8, 2018

Second Sunday after Pentecost The first of our summer sermon series, “I always wanted to hear a sermon about…”  


May 27, 2018 – What’s Your God Like?
Posted: June 1, 2018

Trinity Sunday (Series B) trinity18 There is only One, True God, who is far beyond our understanding. While we often make God into our image, we can rejoice that the God who makes Himself known in the mystery of the…


May 13, 2018 – Strangers in an All Too Familiar World
Posted: May 26, 2018

Seventh Sunday of Easter (Series B) Easter 7-18 Sermon Text: John 17:11b-19 In His “High Priestly Prayer” Jesus prays for His church, as His people live in the world. We are in the world, not part of it. That makes…