Posted: June 13, 2023
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 24) – 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5 With so much fake news it can be hard to know what is true. Many people don’t want truth–they want to hear what they themselves choose to believe….
Posted: June 13, 2023
Thanksgiving Sunday
Posted: June 13, 2023
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, proper 22) – Habakkuk 1:1-3, 2:1-4 We expect life to be smooth sailing, a joyful sea cruise on a wonderful, calm, sunny day. But the reality of life in this world leaves us with…
Posted: June 13, 2023
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 21)
Posted: June 13, 2023
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 20) – 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Don’t just sit there: pray! Prayer is one of the greatest gifts God has given us. It is our privilege to call upon Him and seek His help….