Posted: June 7, 2023
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 13) – Colossians 3:1-4 It is so easy to become fixated upon this world and the day to day things of life that we lose the big picture. In Christ, we look forward…
Posted: June 7, 2023
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 12)
Posted: June 7, 2023
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 11) – Genesis 18:1-14 We live in a world of fake news and scams. Thankfully, we can trust God to be as good as His Word and to tell the truth to us…
Posted: September 19, 2022
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 10) – Leviticus 18:1-5; 19:9-18 We, as God’s people are different from the world. That is not a reason for boasting, but a reason to thank God for His grace. It is in…
Posted: September 19, 2022
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Series C, Proper 9)