April 1, 2021 – Return to the Table
Posted: April 4, 2021
Maundy Thursday – Mark 14:12–26 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=151050453580883
3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB (403) 284-1342
Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm
Maundy Thursday – Mark 14:12–26 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=151050453580883
Palm Sunday / Passion Sunday – John 12:27-33 Christ Jesus came into this world to give Himself as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. He always knew that the road before Him led to the cross. Even so,…
Fourth Sunday in Lent – John 3:16-17 Sometimes the simplest words bring the greatest news to our hearts. That is definitely true when we look to God’s promises of love and grace in the beloved words of our text today…
Third Sunday in Lent (Series B) – John 2:13-17 Jesus shows a zeal for the temple as He casts out the moneychangers. We can learn a great zeal for God’s house – but we have a zeal for God’s Word…