Posted: July 12, 2018
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Series B, Proper 8) – Lamentations 3:22-33 As we celebrate Canada Day, it is good to acknowledge the blessings God gives us in this land. It is also wonderful to know that the Lord of the…
Posted: July 12, 2018
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost This is the second in our summer sermon series, “I always wanted to hear a sermon about”. Based on a question from one of our youth regarding Moses and the Burning Bush.
Posted: June 29, 2018
July August 2018 Calendars July August 2018
Posted: June 20, 2018
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Series B, Proper 6) – Ezekiel 17:22-24 There are times of struggle, but there is always hope, for even when it seems all is falling apart, God can, and does cause growth–the growth of grace; the…
Posted: June 17, 2018
Third Sunday after Pentecost (Series B, Proper 5) – Genesis 3:8-15 pen3-18 Proper 5 While we often try to “pass the buck” and avoid the responsibility of our sin, when we confess our sins, God does pass the buck, as…